The third Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium
The third Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium
Paris, France – 8-10 July 2012
Research proposals and brief bibliographical details should be forwarded to Leona Campitelli by 13 April 2012 :
Organized in cooperation with SKEMA Business School, Université Paris-Sud 11
This international forum is designed for emerging scholars of all ages and career stages, including doctoral degree students, new faculty and other emerging accounting researchers who have an interest in accounting history research and publication, and who seek to obtain feedback from senior faculty members on their historical accounting research projects in an intellectually stimulating environment.
The third forum will be organized in cooperation with SKEMA Business School and the University Paris-Sud 11. The colloquium will be held at SKEMA Business School, Parisian campus at La Défense. La Défense is the major business district in Paris, situated on the Historical Axis of the French capital, near major sites like The Louvre, Champs Elysées, and The Arc de Triomphe. Please note that the event will take place on the eve of the French National holiday, celebrating the historic Bastille Day and featuring memorable festivities.
The forum will be led by Garry Carnegie of RMIT University and Brian West of the University of Ballarat, Australia who are the editors of Accounting History, the journal of the Accounting History Special Interest Group of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand. Other senior faculty members participating are as follows:
- Lisa Evans, University of Stirling, UK;
- Elena Giovannoni, University of Siena, Italy;
- Delfina Gomes, University of Minho, Portugal;
- Marc Nikitin, University of Orleans, France;
- Henri Zimnovitch of the University Paris-Sud 11, France.
A taste from the previous colloquium (July 2011) – photos of the 2AHIESC, Vallendar, Germany
Expressions of interest in the third Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium (3AHIESC) should be addressed to the editors, Accounting History and forwarded to Leona Campitelli: Please see the Research Proposal section for further details.
The local organizing committee is composed by :
- Henri Zimnovitch (University Paris-Sud 11),
- Yves Levant (SKEMA),
- Raluca Sandu (SKEMA).
Inquiries may be directed to the Colloquium Convenor, Mrs. Raluca Sandu, SKEMA Business School:
Information about SKEMA Business School is found at:
Information about University Paris-Sud 11 is found at:
Information about visiting Paris is obtainable at:
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Christine AUBRY (4 janvier 2012). The third Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium. Regards sur l'IRHiS : le carnet des doctorant·e·s. Consulté le 10 décembre 2024 à l’adresse